You searched for marine protected areas

Showing results 111 - 120 of 294

  1. Go Fishing – St Georges Basin

    It’s an extremely productive and popular fishery for Shoalhaven locals and for visitors from other areas with plenty of holiday accommodation, caravan parks and camping grounds. ... A number of smaller waterways also drain into the Basin. Popular with

  2. Fisheries compliance enforcement 2020-21

    FM(G) R2010 is the Fisheries Management (General) Regulation 2010. MEMA2014 is the Marine Estate Management Act 2014. ... Operation Alpha Alpha 20 (August – December 2020) targeting illegal take of Eastern Freshwater Cod protected species in the Mann

  3. Bousfields Marsh Hopper

    Characteristics. Bousfield's Marsh Hopper is a small marine amphipod (a type of crustacean) found in the  supra-littoral zone where they shelter under rotted logs and mangrove debris at  South ... The species has an extremely  limited distribution,

  4. Responsible Crab Fishing

    Choosing your location. Avoid high current areas and locations with big tidal movement. ... Placing your crab trap in these areas may result in lightly weighted traps being moved and lost due the strength of the water movement - this means your gear

  5. Zones|Zones

    To obtain an accessible version of this content please email ... Austrocochlea spp. Species that are protected throughout the Marine Park. Common name.

  6. Fish friendly councils top tip 5

    Native trees, shrubs or grasses on river banks and areas adjacent to wetlands are vital. ... Buffer areas also provide open space and community recreationopportunities. Setbacks of 50-100 metres for key fish habitat are recommended to ensure the water

  7. Fish friendly councils top tip 1

    However, in many areas, communities do not know what fish are in their local river or creek. ... Council can. learn about the species, distribution and status of native fish in the local region, including threatened and protected species.

  8. Report a threatened species

    Report a threatened species.

  9. Recreational and cultural fishing |Recreational and cultural fishing

    The program achieves this through research and monitoring targeted across several areas:. ... The project team works closely with fisheries managers to oversee the sustainable execution and expansion of the marine stocking program, enhancing stocks of a

  10. Compliance

    DPI’s  fisheries compliance enforcement policy and procedure provides the guiding principles necessary for a fair, safe, efficient and equitable application of fisheries and marine park laws in the ... They include:. patrols of offshore waters,