You searched for the rhizosphere

Showing results 1 - 10 of 707

  1. How to tell the age of goats

    How to tell the age of goats. Summary. The age of a goat can be estimated from its teeth. ... A knowledge of these different time intervals provides the basis for estimating age.

  2. Feeding and nutrition

    Feeding and nutrition.

  3. Anatomy and physiology of the goat

    Anatomy and physiology of the goat. Summary. Goat owners need to understand the basic structure and functioning of goats if they are to maintain the health and increase the productivity of ... This brief outline of the goat’s anatomy and physiology is

  4. Buying feed at the right price

    Buying feed at the right price. Warning. Drought increases the risk of unacceptable residues in stock. ... The best feed to use is the feed that gives the best value for money.

  5. General position paper - Development of the goat industry in NSW

    The Goat Industry Council of Australia (GICA), in collaboration and consultation with stakeholders, developed the Goatmeat and Livestock Industry Strategic Plan 2015-2020. ... Specific comments in response to the plan (with particular reference to NSW

  6. Reducing the risk of lupinosis and the incidence of phomopsis

    In years with late season rain or hail, the risk of lupinosis increases. ... Sowing lupins close to the previous year’s stubble also increases the risk.

  7. Goat health - keeping the herd disease-free

    Goat health - keeping the herd disease-free. Summary. Many goat herds are afflicted with diseases that are costly to control and undermine the profitability of the herd. ... This Primefact provides practical steps to help prevent the entry or spread of

  8. Goat breeding, selection and genetics

    Goat breeding, selection and genetics. There are many recognised breeds of domestic goats and breeds are generally classified based on their primary use. Common breeds. Selection and Genetics.

  9. Assessment of the NSW Ovine Johne's Disease Program - The Bull Report, September 2003|Assessment of the NSW Ovine Johne's Disease Program - The Bull Report

    Define the potential roles of industry and Government, including funding for each option. ... Work with the OJD Advisory Committee and other relevant groups to undertake - consultation.

  10. Animal welfare

    Animal welfare. NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) is responsible for ensuring the policy and legislative frameworks in the state support good animal welfare outcomes. ... NSW DPI administers the  Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979,

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