NSW DPI Strategic Plan 2017-2019


DPI plays a key role in driving economic growth and increasing the value of primary industries in NSW.

DPI will achieve this through a focus on two key strategic outcomes:

  • Economic growth through research and innovation to improve resilience, productivity and sustainability; and
  • Risks to community and industry managed and reduced.

These will be supported by two key enablers:

  • Engage and collaborate, facilitating mutually beneficial relationships; and
  • Foster and innovative, commercially focused and collaborative department.

By 2020, DPI programs and projects will have delivered on these three key measures:

  • Total Primary Industries output of $20 billion by 2020;
  • Increased our stakeholder satisfaction score by 5%; and
  • Achieved 69% on our employee engagement score.


NSW DPI Strategic Plan 2017-2019

Published: 2017