Northern NSW research results

These short papers have been written to improve the awareness and grower-facing messages of NSW DPIRD research.

The papers are based on scientifically sound, independent research, but need to be taken in the context of the situation and season that the work has been conducted.

In many cases, the research that is reported will prompt more questions and we encourage you to contact the authors to discuss any of these queries

Northern NSW research results 2022

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Northern NSW research results 2022
PDF, 3.1 MB

Northern NSW research results 2021

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Northern NSW research results 2021
PDF, 9.9 MB

Northern NSW research results 2020

Title Details
Northern NSW research results 2020
PDF, 4.0 MB

Northern NSW research results 2019

Title Details
Northern NSW research results 2019
PDF, 7.2 MB

Northern NSW research results 2018

Title Details
Northern NSW research results 2018
PDF, 3.3 MB

Northern NSW research results 2017

Title Details
Northern NSW research results 2017
PDF, 5.0 MB

Northern grains region trial results 2016

Title Details
Northern grains research results 2016
PDF, 5.1 MB

Northern grains region trial results 2015

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northern grains region trial results autumn 2015
PDF, 2.9 MB

Northern grains region trial results 2014

Title Details
Northern grain regional trial results autumn 2014
PDF, 5.7 MB

Northern grains region trial results 2013

Title Details
Northern grains region trial results autumn 2013
PDF, 6.9 MB

Northern grains region trial results 2012

Title Details
Northern grains region trial results autumn 2012
PDF, 4.7 MB

2012 GRDC Northern region update papers

Title Details
Cereal pathogen survey
PDF, 167.7 KB
Chickpea seed tests
PDF, 132.0 KB
Chickpea seed treatment
PDF, 109.5 KB
Chickpea time of sowing trial
PDF, 133.8 KB
Grazing wheat and barley
PDF, 104.2 KB
Fungicide management of stripe rust in wheat
PDF, 160.0 KB
Fleabane management in crop rotations
PDF, 1.2 MB
Getting on top of fleabane and windmill grass
PDF, 179.5 KB
Grain yield and grain protein concentration of commercial wheat varieties
PDF, 142.7 KB
Chickpea 2011 crops and recommendations
PDF, 129.9 KB
Nematodes and sowing date 2011
PDF, 166.0 KB
Nitrous oxide
PDF, 97.9 KB
Nitrogen volatilisation
PDF, 199.2 KB
Optimising water use efficiency in western NSW
PDF, 1.5 MB
Sorghum spray out timing
PDF, 160.2 KB
Sorghum yields in the western zone
PDF, 125.3 KB
Strategies for improving water-use efficiency in western regions through increasing harvest index
PDF, 172.5 KB
Why is my sunvale crop full of stripe rust
PDF, 115.4 KB
Northern grains regional trial results - newsletter archive