Prograze - profitable, sustainable grazing

PROGRAZE™ addresses the issue of pasture and livestock interaction to provide a basis for more efficient and effective grazing systems. It covers key topics namely in pasture assessment, livestock assessment and plant species recognition, and will explore how these skills can be used in daily decision making on farm.

Important legal notice:
This PROGRAZE™ Manual is provided under Creative Commons Licence CC-BY-SA 4.0.
For the avoidance of doubt, the creative commons licence to this material does not include the use of any logos, trademarks or names, including the NSW Government, MLA and PROGRAZE™ trademarks. You must not in any way represent that the NSW Government, NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development or MLA supports, endorses or certifies your products, services, methods or business. Only accredited deliverers may deliver a PROGRAZE™ course. For information on how to become an accredited deliverer of PROGRAZE™ contact the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. A third party may hold copyright to some material presented in this manual, as indicated by specific attribution throughout. This licence excludes any material which is specifically attributed to another. You may be required to seek the third party’s consent to use the material. You must make your own enquiries in this regard. This licence does not waive an individual author's Moral Rights. For the avoidance of doubt, where the copyright material is used internationally, the author of the copyright material asserts their right to be identified as the author of the work.