Mobile animal exhibits

Exhibitors who are authorised to display animals at mobile establishments must submit an itinerary to the Department.

If you are an authorised mobile exhibitor and you don’t submit an itinerary, you could be fined or prosecuted.

Clause 8 the Exhibited Animals Protection Regulation 2010 requires all exhibitors to comply with relevant standards. For this purpose, the following standards relate to mobile exhibitors who display animals at mobile establishments.

Mobile exhibitors

Mobile exhibitors already have authority to move animals as part of their approval.

Mobile exhibitors MUST submit an itinerary to NSW DPIRD for each display of animals at a mobile establishment.

Related form: FORM I – Monthly Itinerary

Note for fixed establishments

Licensees of fixed establishments are not authorised to exhibit animals at mobile establishments and do not have authority to move animals for display as part of their licence.

They can only remove animals from their fixed establishment for display elsewhere if they have applied for, and been granted, consent to temporarily remove the animals for that purpose.

If you hold authorities for a fixed establishment, you must seek approval to temporarily remove exhibited animals before moving them.

Find out more about how to seek approval to temporarily remove exhibited animals.