OJD: The national sheep health statement


The national Sheep Health Statement is the key to understanding OJD risk when trading sheep.

Since it was first diagnosed in Australia in 1980, ovine Johne’s disease (OJD) has proven to be a costly disease. It spreads slowly, is difficult to detect early on, reduces weight gain and wool production and can kill up to 10% of adult sheep each year if left unmanaged.

This Primefact includes:

  • What is the national Sheep Health Statement (SHS)?
  • The SHS Form
  • How do I know if my flock is infected with OJD?
  • What other questions should I ask the seller about OJD?
  • I’m selling sheep soon – where can I get a Sheep Health Statement to fill in?


Primefact 940 Second Edition

Published: Jul 2013