Fisheries Officer recruitment information package


NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) is responsible for conserving, sharing and managing the fisheries resources of New South Wales.

The work of fisheries officers involves optimising compliance with fisheries laws established by the Fisheries Management Act 1994 (and associated regulations) and in some areas Marine Parks and Commonwealth fisheries legislation.

Duties include field-based work (patrols and inspections) and an educative/advisory role in delivering information and advice on programs relating to any number of fisheries issues involving recreational and commercial fishers and the wider community.

Topic include:

  • Law enforcement
  • Education and advisory
  • Working hours
  • Qualifications, skills and experience
  • Fisheries Officer training program
  • Prospects and career development

Also see a day in the life of a Fisheries Officer.


Published: 01 Dec 2022