Trout Cod (also known as Bluenose Cod) is a threatened species under NSW and Commonwealth law. They grow to 85 cm in length and 16 kg in weight, but more commonly occur at 50 cm and up to 1.5 kg.
Trout Cod used to be widespread throughout the southern tributaries of the Murray–Darling River system but the species has undergone dramatic declines in its abundance and distribution over the past century.
Natural Trout Cod populations are now limited to a single self-sustaining population in the Murray River between the Yarrawonga Weir and Barmah.
Several other populations have been re-established in NSW and Victoria by stocking of captive bred fingerlings or through translocation.
Reasons for the decline of Trout Cod include habitat loss and degradation, impacts from introduced species and historical illegal fishing.
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