Roles and Responsibilities

There are a number of NSW government agencies that play important roles in the way our forests are managed.

NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD)

DPIRD Forestry leads forestry policy and research and industry development providing evidence-based information to forest and timber plantation managers and policy makers that underpins the sustainable use of forests and associated natural resources.

  • Primary Industries, Fisheries – regulates the impacts of forestry operations on aquatic environments under the Fisheries Management Act 1994
  • Primary Industries, Plantations Regulation – authorises plantations, and an independent unit audits plantation establishment and forest operations for compliance in NSW

Forestry Corporation of NSW (FCNSW)

FCNSW is the land manager of the vast NSW State forest estate. It leads the operational management of around two million hectares of native forests for biodiversity, recreation, fire and pest control.

It also manages around 200,000 hectares of softwood plantations and 35,000 hectares of hardwood plantations.

FCNSW is the only organisation authorised to carry out forestry operations on State forests and other Crown timber lands. Native timber production occurs on less than 1% of the available area each year.

Local Land Services (LLS)

Farm Forestry, also known as Private Native Forestry (PNF), is the sustainable management of native forests on private property for timber production for a variety of wood products, under the Local Land Services Act (2013).

Planted farm forestry is regulated under the Plantations and Reafforestation Act 1999 by NSW DPIRD Plantations Regulation. Opportunity exists to develop tree lots, farm forestry and plantations for other purposes than timber production, such as carbon and biodiversity credits.

Local Land Services is responsible for private native forestry advice and approvals.

NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA)

The NSW Environment Protection Authority is responsible for compliance and enforcement of native forestry operations on public and private lands.