DPI Regulators

Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Regulators play a crucial role in managing risks to natural resources, farming, food and public safety.

Who we are

The four DPI Regulators are Biosecurity and Food Safety, Fisheries Compliance, Plantation Forestry Compliance and the Game Licensing Unit. The regulators manage and reduce risks to the community and industry confidence by:

  • Tackling illegal fishing and other offences that affect aquatic habitats.
  • Ensuring hunting is conducted safely, sustainably and ethically.
  • Mitigating biosecurity, food safety, animal welfare and environmental risks.

What we do

Biosecurity and Food Safety manages the production and labeling of food as well as risks posed by animal and plant pests, diseases, weeds and contaminants.

Fisheries Compliance is responsible for sharing fisheries resources and conserving NSW's fish stocks and key fish habitats.

Plantation Forestry Compliance regulates the establishment, management and harvesting of plantation operations.

Game Licensing Unit regulates hunting on private and public lands to ensure that it is conducted safely and contributes positively to regional communities and economies.

How we regulate

DPI’s Regulators operate under the Department of Industry Regulatory Policy and their own regulatory policies which align with the NSW Government's Quality Regulatory Services Initiative.

This ensures DPI’s Regulators are applying a consistent outcomes-focussed and risk based approach to regulation.

The regulators have powers under the following laws that they administer:

Biosecurity and Food Safety

Fisheries Compliance

Plantation Forestry Compliance

Game Licensing Unit

Further information