The Measured Goats project will provide an invaluable source of information for commercial producers and buck breeders. This multi-party co-investment will make a significant contribution to improving the adoption of KIDPLAN breeding values and hence the rate of genetic gain in the Australian goatmeat industry.
The Measured Goats project is a collaborative Research and Development project co-funded by NSW DPIRD, Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA), Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit (AGBU) and the Commonwealth Government through the MLA Donor Company (MDC). This project is supported by Western Local Land Services (WLLS), Goat Industry Research, Development and Adoption Committee (GIRDAC) and Goat Industry Council Association (GICA).
Three breeds (Rangeland, Kalahari Red, Boer) will be managed together at the Condobolin Agricultural Research and Advisory Station in Central NSW over 2023 to 2027.
High quality data will be recorded on important traits for profitability such as growth traits, birth and reproduction, carcase and faecal egg count. New traits will also be recorded such as horn/poll status, coat colour, temperament, and conformation.
All animals will be genotyped for pedigree.
This will provide genetic linkage to the KIDPLAN database for breeders who are interested in becoming involved.
Support Sustainable Genetic Improvement of Goatmeat Breeds
Multiple opportunities for involvement within the project will be available to goat producers to improve knowledge, skills, and confidence regarding implementing genetic improvement strategies within herds.
The project will include crossbreeding which will provide valuable information to goat breeders looking to use cross breeding in their production systems.
The project was designed in partnership with industry representatives from: NSW DPI, Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit (AGBU), GICA, GIRDAC and MLA.
The breeds were chosen for this project based on input from industry and the influence each has on goatmeat production in New South Wales.
The project will include 1000 base does (330 Rangeland, 330 Boers and 330 Kalahari Red). High breed content Boer and Kalahari Red does will be acquired privately. If some pedigree can be obtained on these base does, this will be desirable. Does will be acquired by June 2023. Buck semen will be sourced via a sire nomination process to artificially inseminate all does. Then bucks, acquired from sales, will be used for a back-up mating. Some bucks will be KIDPLAN sires.
Bucks will be selected based on breed diversity and/or industry influence.
There will be several opportunities to become involved including:
If breeders are specially breeding Rangeland bucks, we encourage them to be in touch with the team. If you’re interested in participating in the project, please contact Tom and/or Trudie to get involved.
Dr Tom Granleese:
Trudie Atkinson: