Eastern Freshwater Cod closure

EFC Closure NSW

Deliberately fishing for Eastern Freshwater Cod is illegal and significant penalties apply.

If you accidentally catch one, you must release it immediately causing the least possible harm.

To protect breeding and nesting Eastern Freshwater Cod, when they are highly susceptible to being caught:

  • All fishing is prohibited from 1 August to 31 October each year in the Mann River and its tributaries upstream of its junction with the Clarence River including the Nymboida River and its tributaries from its junction with the Mann River upstream to its junction with Wild Cattle Creek
  • The closure does not apply to notified trout waters, which are regulated separately.
  • The possession of fishing gear in, or adjacent to closed waters is also an offence.
  • In addition to the 3 month total fishing restrictions in the Mann and Nymboida Rivers, and because of the endangered status of Eastern Freshwater Cod, people found to be targeting or in possession of the species at any time or at any location, face significant penalties.

Impacts of illegal fishing

Any illegal activity that reduces the species numbers is considered harmful to the viability of the population and long-term conservation of the species. Targeted or indirect capture of Eastern Freshwater Cod directly reduces Cod numbers, removes breeding age adults and disturbs breeding activities including egg and larvae guarding, leading to increased predation of eggs and juveniles by other fish, eels and turtles. Despite the protected status of Eastern Freshwater Cod, reports and evidence indicate that illegal fishing activities take place. Eastern Freshwater Cod are regularly caught and released by anglers who either target or indirectly catch them while targeting other species such as Australian Bass and Freshwater Catfish.

An Eastern Freshwater Cod being rereleased