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Threatened species
Threatened species publications and media
More topics in this section
Final determinations
Fisheries Scientific Committee - Final Determinations
Hammerhead Sharks in NSW (PDF, 676.74 KB)
- a guide for fishers
Protecting Australian Grayling (PDF, 1445.84 KB)
- a guide for fishers and land managers
Protecting Black Rockcod (PDF, 430.63 KB)
- a guide for fishers and divers
Protecting Eastern Freshwater Cod (PDF, 796.14 KB)
- a guide for fishers and land managers
Protecting Eel-Tailed Catfish in Western NSW (PDF, 1248.17 KB)
- a guide for fishers and land managers
Protecting Greynurse Shark (PDF, 2366.52 KB)
- a guide for recreational fishers and divers
Protecting Macquarie Perch (PDF, 2700.77 KB)
- a guide for fishers and land managers
Protecting Silver Perch (PDF, 2723.18 KB)
- a guide for fishers and land managers
Protecting Trout Cod (PDF, 435.7 KB)
- a guide for fishers and land managers
Protecting White's Seahorse (PDF, 3018.03 KB)
Adam's Emerald Dragonfly (PDF, 163.72 KB)
Alpine Redspot Dragonfly (PDF, 415.16 KB)
Australian Grayling (PDF, 792.21 KB)
Bennetts Seaweed (PDF, 95.08 KB)
Black Rockcod (PDF, 1889.81 KB)
Bousfields Marsh-hopper (PDF, 560.13 KB)
Buchanans Fairy Shrimp (PDF, 258.57 KB)
Darling River Endangered Ecological Community (PDF, 306.23 KB)
Darling River Hardyhead, Hunter River population (PDF, 725.87 KB)
Darling River Snail (PDF, 416.82 KB)
Eastern Freshwater Cod (PDF, 431.09 KB)
Eel-Tailed Catfish, Murray-Darling Basin population (PDF, 254.84 KB)
Fitzroy Falls Spiny Crayfish (PDF, 407.33 KB)
Flathead Galaxias (PDF, 66.16 KB)
Great Hammerhead Shark (PDF, 220.96 KB)
Green Sawfish (PDF, 270.92 KB)
Greynurse Shark (PDF, 547.82 KB)
Hanley's River Snail (PDF, 668.91 KB)
Haswells Caprellid (PDF, 104.53 KB)
Lachlan River Endangered Ecological Community (PDF, 225.85 KB)
Macquarie Perch (PDF, 371.35 KB)
Marine Brown Alga (PDF, 1082.42 KB)
Marine Slug (PDF, 109.19 KB)
Marine Worm (PDF, 91.83 KB)
Murray Crayfish (PDF, 1177.57 KB)
Murray River Endangered Ecological Community (PDF, 332 KB)
Murray Hardyhead (PDF, 449.23 KB)
Olive Perchlet, western NSW population (PDF, 231.92 KB)
Oxleyan Pygmy Perch (PDF, 340.13 KB)
Posidonia australis
seagrass, Port Hacking, Botany Bay, Sydney Harbour, Pittwater, Brisbane Waters and Lake Macquarie populations (PDF, 1800.58 KB)
River Blackfish, Snowy River population (PDF, 168.79 KB)
Scalloped Hammerhead Shark (PDF, 265.33 KB)
Silver Perch (PDF, 818.82 KB)
Snowy River Endangered Ecological Community (PDF, 309.16 KB)
Southern Bluefin Tuna (PDF, 126.66 KB)
Southern Purple Spotted Gudgeon (PDF, 1755.56 KB)
Southern Pygmy Perch (PDF, 478.23 KB)
Stocky Galaxias (PDF, 519.75 KB)
Sydney Hawk Dragonfly (PDF, 855.91 KB)
Trout Cod (PDF, 737 KB)
White Shark (PDF, 286.43 KB)
Recovery and threat abatement plans
Recovery and threat abatement plans
Threatened species media releases
10 August 2021 -
Restrictions in place to protect endangered grey nurse sharks
18 June 2021 -
The Great Winburndale Trout Translocation
17 June 2021 -
A boost for threatened fish across the State
4 May 2021 -
Locally extinct fish return to Macquarie River after 70 years
1 January 2021 -
Two hundred Murray Crayfish re-homed in western waterways
13 November 2020 -
Rescued Endangered Native Fish thriving at Western Plains Zoo
30 October 2020 -
Pygmy perch living large in Grafton
13 February 2020 -
Threatened fish rescued across the state
18 December 2019 -
Greynurse Shark relocated from Lake Conjola
4 November 2019 -
Increased protection for White's Seahorse
7 September 2019 -
New community tool to help protect threatened species
25 July 2019 -
Murray Crayfish population clawing back
28 Feb 2019 -
Endangered fish relocated from drying creeks to Dubbo Zoo
4 June 2019 -
Little Aussie battler surviving against the odds
(Commonwealth Environmental Water Office)
15 November 2018 -
Endangered fish returns to Western NSW
27 July 2018 -
Murray Crayfish population clawing back
13 June 2018 -
DNA analysis catches out illegal fisher
31 May 2018 -
Murray Crayfish on the menu from the start of winter
14 September 2017 -
Illegal crayfishers caught near Corowa
7 September 2017 -
Help find two endangered fish this Threatened Species Day
6 September 2017 -
Murray Cod and Murray Crayfish season closes
8 August 2017 -
New program aims to boost Murray Crayfish population
1 August 2017 -
Annual fishing closure to protect Eastern Freshwater Cod
all DPI media releases
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