Applying for a Plantation Authorisation

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (NSW DPIRD) Forestry Policy, Research and Development, through the Plantations Regulation Unit (PR Unit) is the consent authority for plantations under the Act.

Authorisation of a plantation provides the landholder with the right to harvest the timber they have carefully grown. To find out more about seeking a plantation authorisation, please read the guidelines for plantation applicants.

Plantations produce hardwood and softwood to meet the growing demand for timber and provide environmental and biodiversity benefits across NSW, including Landcare and carbon sequestration farming projects.

An administrative fee is normally charged to cover the cost of managing a plantation application, in line with the NSW Government's cost recovery policy.

The 2019/20 bushfires severely impacted the NSW plantation sector with an estimated 110,000 hectares of radiata pine and eucalypt plantation lost or damaged. The NSW Government has recognised that support is needed for the plantation sector to assist with bushfire recovery and to aid investment in order to meet future timber production needs and provide environmental and biodiversity certainty across NSW.

For more information on plantations, including the authorisation process, please contact your nearest Plantation Assessment Officer.