Compliance Updates

DPIRD Plantation Regulation Unit inspection of Conglomerate State Forest plantation

Compliance of Forestry Corporation’s (FCNSW) plantation operations in NSW State Forests is regulated and monitored by NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD).

DPIRD received a complaint on 9 April 2023 regarding plantation operations at Conglomerate State Forest. Conglomerate State Forest has an authorised plantation within its boundary. Plantation operations for replanting of previously harvested plantations are in progress and subject to the Plantations and Reafforestation Act 1999 (the Act).

DPIRD has undertaken a compliance inspection of the plantation areas subject to the complaint. Compartments 18 and 22 were inspected and alleged breaches of the Act were not substantiated.

As the regulator of the Act, the complaint of alleged machinery operations on adjoining land is outside DPIRD’s jurisdiction.

FCNSW, the plantation owner, has been cooperating with DPIRD in this matter.

All authorised plantation operations are required to be undertaken in accordance with the environmental standards of the Plantations and Reafforestation (Code) Regulation 2001. This includes provisions for the protection of soil and water quality.

DPIRD continues to actively monitor compliance of authorised NSW plantations.

DPIRD Plantation Regulation Unit inspection of Wild Cattle Creek State Forest plantation

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) Plantations Regulation Unit recently undertook an inspection at Wild Cattle Creek State Forest, in response to allegations of native forest conversion to plantation.

The inspection involved investigation of whether the areas harvested were within the authorised plantation area and monitoring of compliance with an additional condition applicable to this particular authorisation, requiring trees with a 90cm or greater diameter at breast height (DBH) to be retained. No trees greater than 90cm DBH were found to be harvested and all areas harvested were within the authorised plantation area.

Existing plantations established prior to commencement of the Plantations and Reafforestation Act 1999 (the Act) are required to be authorised for replanting following harvest. Some older native species plantations can look similar to native forest and areas within national parks.  DPIRD only authorises an existing plantation where there is evidence that the area meets the definition of a plantation under the Act.

DPIRD uses a range of evidence in assessing applications for authorisation of an area as existing plantation. This can include historical aerial photos/ imagery, field notes and plans held by the owner/manager, and information held by other government agencies. Officers also undertake a field assessment of the plantation. If there is not sufficient evidence, the application is refused.

The inspection found that the harvest of native trees within the plantation authorisation area at Wild Cattle Creek State Forest is lawful.

DPIRD Plantation Regulation Unit inspection of Tuckers Nob State Forest plantation

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) Plantations Regulation Unit recently undertook an inspection of plantation operations at Tuckers Nob State Forest, in response to a complaint of native forest clearing in an authorised plantation area. The inspection involved investigation of alleged access of plantation operations machinery through an area of native vegetation within the authorised plantation area.

The inspection found that the plantation operations referred to in the complaint were located on an existing track. Clause 30 of the Plantations and Reafforestation (Code) Regulation 2001 provides that any existing road or track in a plantation, wherever located, may be used for plantation operations where it is operationally stable, and it is drained, maintained and managed in accordance with clauses 44–50.

The use of the existing track for plantation operations was found to be lawful.

The Plantations and Reafforestation Act 1999 (the Act) defines a plantation as an area of land on which the predominant number of trees or shrubs forming, or expected to form, the canopy are trees or shrubs that have been planted (whether by sowing seed or otherwise). A natural forest is not a plantation for the purposes of the Act and a plantation area is not a natural forest merely because it contains some native trees or shrubs that have not been planted.