Increasing the effectiveness of nitrogen fixation in pulses through improved rhizobial strains GRDC N region

The Issue

closeup of legume with nodulesNitrogen fixation by pulses is constrained by factors including soil acidity, aridity and herbicide residues. This project, in collaboration with similar projects in the GRDC western and southern region is evaluating a range of elite rhizobial strains of Mediterranean and Australian origin for use on lentil, faba bean, field pea, vetch and chickpea. Identification of more resilient rhizobial strains will be an important tool in increasing the use and widening the adaptation of pulses in the GRDC northern region.


  1. Through field and laboratory evaluation, assess nodulation and nitrogen fixation across a range of soils and agroecological zones in target pulse hosts including the impact of herbicide residues.
  2. Through laboratory evaluation ensure any elite strains selected for release can be readily manufactured and remain stable until use

File site with plots of different legumes


  • Increased nitrogen fixation and nitrogen carryover for following crops
  • Reduced risk in growing pulses in rotations
  • Increased use of pulse crops in rotations

plates with different Rhizobia strains


Ag Grow Agronomy and Research

Pulse Ag Agronomy



Dr. Belinda Hackney

Wagga Wagga