About Clean Coastal Catchments

The NSW Marine Estate Management Strategy (2018-2028) has identified agricultural diffuse source pollution (including nutrients and sediment) as a priority threat to water quality in our Marine Estate which includes the NSW coastline, coastal waterways and estuaries, and marine waters.

The Clean Coastal Catchments project is funded through the Marine Estate Management Strategy to reduce nutrient and sediment run off from key coastal agricultural industries.

Our team is working with growers, peak industry bodies, and other key industry players to refine and promote best management practices (BMPs) for nutrients, water, and sediment in NSW coastal agriculture.

The development and adoption of BMPs can assist in making agricultural industries more productive and profitable, while reducing their impact on coastal water quality and habitat.

Our objectives

The NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) is leading the Clean Coastal Catchments project to address the priority threat of agricultural diffuse source pollution by:

  • understanding the current drivers for on‐farm fertiliser decisions and developing a pathway for change to improve fertiliser management for coastal agriculture

  • improving science-based knowledge of fertiliser and erosion best management practices for target industries
  • demonstrating the benefits, and increasing industry understanding, of best management practices for fertiliser and erosion management
  • increasing the awareness and capacity of growers to respond to pollution risks by better management of nutrient and sediment runoff

What are we doing?

The Clean Coastal Catchments project team is:

  • working with growers to identify farm practices that will improve management of fertiliser and erosion, and reduce the loss of nutrients and sediment from farms

  • conducting research trials to establish locally relevant Best Management Practices for fertiliser, erosion, and water management

  • monitoring at research sites to understand how water, sediment and nutrients move off farmed areas and into the wider landscape

  • using demonstration sites to showcase Best Management Practices and drive industry adoption

  • working with peak industry bodies to educate and encourage growers to better manage erosion, fertiliser and water runoff


This project will help farmers in coastal agricultural industries to:

  • reduce their impact on water quality and the marine estate environment through better management of fertiliser, erosion and water runoff

  • become more productive and profitable

  • improve the long term economic and environmental sustainability of coastal agriculture

  • enhance social licence to operate and improve market access through better land and water stewardship

Project partners

The Clean Coastal Catchments project is a NSW Government Initiative funded by the NSW Marine Estate Management Strategy.

The project is delivered by the Agriculture division of the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), in partnership with DPIRD Fisheries and Local Land Services, the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), and other external partners.


Email the CCC Research project team at: ccc.info@dpird.nsw.gov.au

or contact:

David Mitchell - CCC Research Project Leader, NSW DPIRD.  Email: david.mitchell@dpi.nsw.gov.au

David Cordina - CCC Research Project Manager, NSW DPIRD.  Email: david.cordina@dpi.nsw.gov.au