
DPIRD is responsible for enforcing and monitoring compliance with all NSW biosecurity legislation. Biosecurity is protecting our economy, environment and communities from the negative impacts of pests, diseases and invasive species.

Through the NSW Food Authority, DPIRD is also responsible for regulating and monitoring food safety across the entire food industry supply chain in NSW - from paddock to plate.

Biosecurity and food safety compliance officers protect the environment and community by reducing, removing and mitigating the risk of harm to people and the environment.

As an outcome based regulator, our risk based approach to regulation minimises costs and maximises outcomes for the government, businesses and the community.

Our Regulatory Framework (PDF, 936.36 KB) details our core responsibilities and regulatory principles, and the way we approach our responsibilities. These principles support a risk-based, outcome-focused approach to regulation, and provide accountability and transparency to our stakeholders.

Biosecurity & Food Safety compliance and enforcement policy

Our updated Compliance and Enforcement Policy outlines our compliance principles, how we promote voluntary compliance, create deterrence and respond to offending through graduated and proportionate enforcement actions. The policy also supports our risk-based, outcome-focused approach to compliance and enforcement activities.

Our Prosecution Guidelines outline the approach we take in deciding how to manage a serious breach. Prosecution is an important discretionary tool that we only use in the most serious food safety, biosecurity or animal welfare offences. Our primary aim is to achieve compliance and create individual and general deterrence.

Biosecurity compliance programs

The Biosecurity & Food Safety Compliance team administers proactive compliance programs to manage several identified biosecurity risks. These programs include:

Outcome reports for some of our 2022-2023 priority projects are highlighted below:

Biosecurity & Food Safety Compliance: Strategic Priorities

The Biosecurity & Food Safety (BFS) Compliance team is responsible for conducting compliance and enforcement activities to verify a safe and secure food supply, support the shared responsibility principle to reduce biosecurity risks posed by animal and plant pests, diseases, weeds and contaminants, and protect the welfare of exhibited and research animals. The team investigates reports of non-compliance, foodborne illness, pest and disease issues and assists in emergency management operations as necessary.

BFS reviews its compliance priorities annually to ensure that it adopts a risk-based approach to its enduring priorities, as well as new and emerging biosecurity threats and food safety risks. These priorities are determined in consultation with key industry and community stakeholders and are set in the context of NSW Government priorities and the NSW Department of Primary Industries Strategic Plan.

Outcome reports for some of our 2022-2023 regulatory priorities are highlighted below:

Read our Regulatory Priorities 2023-2024 (PDF, 88.36 KB)

Biosecurity & Food Safety compliance activities for 2022-2023

Food safety and biosecurity compliance and enforcement activity statistics from 2022-23 are highlighted in this video.

BFS Compliance also verified 10,025 bee hives in 2021-2022.


For general enquiries call 1800 680 244 or email

See a list of emergency and hotline numbers

Pests, diseases and weeds can travel with you as you visit different areas of Australia, and there are restrictions on what you can take as you cross state and quarantine borders. Following the rules helps minimise biosecurity risks to Australia’s unique environments and valuable agricultural markets.


Contact the National Domestic Quarantine Helpline on 1800 084 881 or email

This is a national hotline with menu options for each jurisdiction. For more information see and


Contact the NSW Food Authority Helpline on 1300 552 406 or email

Past outcome reports

Past outcome reports for some of our priority projects are highlighted below: