New Biosecurity Initiatives

The NSW Government is delivering a package of programs relating to invasive species (pests and weeds) management. The NSW Government has legislated for an Independent Biosecurity Commissioner, has tasked the Natural Resources Commission with conducting a baseline study showing the extent of invasive species in NSW, and is directing $10 million towards a Good Neighbour Program to tackle pest and weed infestations. As a package, these commitments will strengthen and secure the resilience of the biosecurity framework, and protect our environment and biodiversity, economy and community from the harm and impacts of pests and weeds.

Independent Biosecurity Commissioner

The NSW Government has appointed Dr Marion Healy as the first Independent Biosecurity Commissioner to provide independent expert advice and report to the NSW Parliament on an annual basis. See the Independent Biosecurity Commissioner webpage for further information.

Natural Resources Commission Review

The Natural Resources Commission has been tasked by government to review the priority risks and impacts of invasive species in NSW, including the effectiveness of current management strategies.

Under the Terms of Reference of this review, the Natural Resources Commission will:

  • Quantify the current extent and impacts of invasive species on NSW industry, environment and communities
  • Identify future risks posed to NSW industry, environment and communities by invasive species, including any which are driven by climate change impacts and impacts from natural disasters
  • Consider existing programs and how they could better contribute to improved invasive species management in the future
  • Audit implementation of state and regional invasive species management plans
  • Provide advice to the Independent Biosecurity Commissioner on areas of further investigation regarding potential barriers to effective invasive species.

The review will be completed late 2024. Further information on the review can be found on the NRC website.

Good Neighbour Program

The NSW Government is directing $10 million towards a Good Neighbour Program to tackle pest and weed infestations on private property neighbouring public land.

The program is expected to commence late 2024.