Triploid Pacific Oysters - Port Stephens

TPOPORT - Triploid Pacific Oysters - Port Stephens

  1. The permit holder may only sell triploid Pacific Oyster spat to the holder of a current Class A aquaculture permit that authorises triploid Pacific Oyster aquaculture in accordance with any current Biosecurity Control Order issued under section 62 of the Biosecurity Act 2015.
  2. In accordance with section 216 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994, the permit holder is authorised to place into the waters of Port Stephens, 100% triploid Pacific Oyster spat that has been imported from interstate under the provisions of the protocol Shellfish Hatchery Protocol - Production and translocation of triploid Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) spat to NSW Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome unaffected estuaries (refer to
  3. The permit holder is not authorised to import from interstate into NSW Pacific Oyster spat of any ploidy, unless in accordance with an approved section 217 import permit.

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