Commercial fishing in New South Wales is a diverse and valuable industry that draws on a natural resource to generate livelihoods, food and purpose for those involved directly and indirectly. The department is seeking to better understand these economic and social values of the industry and has established a monitoring program to track how they change over time.
The department engaged BDO EconSearch to produce an annual time series of economic and social indicators for NSW commercial fisheries. Indicators will be produced for each fishery for the financial years 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22.
BDO EconSearch is an independent group of researchers with experience monitoring economic and social indicators for fisheries in Australia. Economic and social indicators provide valuable information for the fishing industry, fisheries managers and other stakeholders.
Economic indicators can help to understand the profitability of the industry and how the state’s resources are being used to deliver economic benefits to our regional communities and our state as a whole.
For a quick overview of the benefits economic research can provide for commercial fisheries you are encouraged to watch the short video below.
The reports for the 2020/21 financial year for each fishery and the state as a whole are now available.