2022 Review of Forestry Regulation

The Forestry Regulation 2012 (the Regulation) is the main legislation supporting the implementation of the Forestry Act 2012 (the Forestry Act) which ensures that the management and use of State forests is efficient and environmentally sustainable and consistent with the principles of Ecologically sustainable development. The Forestry Regulation 2022 was a remake of the Forestry Regulation 2012 with several minor and non-contentious amendments.

Most changes involved making the transitional arrangements relating to beekeeping and grazing in State forests permanent. These transitional arrangements were set to expire on 9 November 2022. Other changes involved updating references to repealed legislation and modernising the Regulation by removing unnecessary and outdated clauses.

DPIRD conducted public consultation from 10 June 2022 to 1 July 2022, which included a series of targeted events with specific Government and industry stakeholder groups.

The updated Forestry Regulation 2022 commenced on 1 Sept 2022.