

2024 Flexibility options in a 100% renewable grid for Australia
2022 Bioenergy siting for low-carbon electricity supply in Australia
2022 Hybrid concentrated solar biomass (HCSB) systems for cogeneration: Techno-economic analysis for beef abattoirs in New South Wales, Australia
2022 Scenario modelling of biomass usage in the Australian electricity grid
2022 Assessing electricity generation potential and identifying possible locations for siting hybrid concentrated solar biomass (HCSB) plants in New South Wales (NSW), Australia
2021 Hybrid concentrated solar biomass (HCSB) plant for electricity generation in Australia: Design and evaluation of techno-economic and environmental performance
2021 Forestry, bioenergy and climate - a way forward in Australia
2020 The roles of biomass and CSP in a 100% renewable electricity supply in Australia
2017 Response to Chatham House report "Woody biomass for power and heat: Impacts on the global climate"


2017 North Coast Residues - A project undertaken as part of the 2023 North Coast Forestry Project
2015 BAAD: a Biomass And Allometry Database for woody plants
2014 Determining coarse woody debris and fine litter in native forests in New South Wales and Victoria
2012 Determining biomass in residues following harvest in Pinus radiata forests in New South Wales
2008 Proportion of above-ground biomass in commercial logs and residues following the harvest of five commercial forest species in Australia
2006 The decay of coarse woody roots following harvest in a range of forest types
2005 Carbon flow following the harvest of blackbutt trees and their conversion into sawn products
2005 Total above-ground biomass and biomass in commercial logs following the harvest of spotted gum (Corymbia maculata) forests of SE NSW
2004 Recovery of biomass as green sawn boards after milling of spotted gum (Corymbia maculata) sawlogs from NSW South Coast forests
2004 Total biomass measurement and recovery of biomass in log products in spotted gum (Corymbia maculata) forests of SE NSW

Carbon Accounting

2019 Production forest methodologies for the Emissions Reduction Fund
2018 Carbon in mature native forests in Australia: the role of direct weighing in the derivation of allometric equations
2017 New greenhouse gas abatement methodology: potential value to the plantation forestry sector
2016 Correspondence: Policy institutions and forest carbon
2016 Forestry for a low-carbon future - Integrating forests and wood products in climate change strategies
2013 Methods for estimation, measurement, monitoring and reporting of LULUCF activities under Articles 3.3 and 3.4
2011 Accounting for carbon in harvested wood products in a domestic emissions trading scheme
2011 Accounting for harvested wood products in a domestic emissions trading scheme - Historical disposal of harvested wood products in landfill
2009 Dynamics of carbon stocks in timber in Australian residential housing
2007 Developing a carbon stocks and flows model for Australian wood products
2006 Carbon storage in wood products in Australia: a review of the current state of knowledge

Greenhouse Balance

2021 Carbon dynamics in native forests - a brief review
2016 Carbon stocks and flows in native forests and harvestedwood products in SE Australia
2016 Appendices - Carbon stocks and flows in native forests and harvested wood products in SE Australia
2012 Greenhouse gas balance of native forests in New South Wales, Australia
2012 Harvested forests provide the greatest ongoing greenhouse gas benefits. Does current Australian policy support optimal greenhouse gas mitigation outcomes?


2019 Improving understanding of carbon storage in wood in landfills: evidence from reactor studies
2019 Towards a more complete quantification of the global carbon cycle
2018 Carbon dynamics of paper, engineered wood products and bamboo in landfills: evidence from reactor studies
2018 The decay of engineered wood products and paper excavated from landfills in Australia
2018 Thesis - Carbon storage and emissions from forest products in Australian landfills
2015 Decomposition and carbon storage of selected paper products in laboratory-scale landfills
2015 The decay of wood in landfills in contrasting climates in Australia
2013 Carbon storage in engineered wood products in Landfills
2010 The decomposition of paper products in landfills
2008 The decomposition of wood products in landfills in Sydney, Australia

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

2019 Accounting for biodiversity in life cycle impact assessments of forestry and agricultural systems - the BioImpact metric
2014 Accounting for biodiversity in life cycle impact assessments of forestry and agricultural systems - the BioImpact metric
2013 Quantifying the greenhouse benefits of the use of wood products in two popular house designs in Sydney, Australia
2010 A proposal for accounting for biodiversity in life cycle assessment

Wood Science

2006 Protection of wood using oxy-aluminum compounds


2023 Forests, Plantations, Wood Products & Australia's Carbon Balance
2017 Mechanical fuel load reduction in Australia: A potential tool for bushfire mitigation
2008 Timber use in residential construction and demolition
2005 Forests, wood and Australia's carbon balance
2005 Production and use of forest products in Australia