Cabbage Tree Bay Aquatic Reserve

Cabbage Tree Bay Aquatic Reserve is home to a huge diversity of marine life including a wide variety of marine habitats. It was declared a ‘no-take’ aquatic reserve in 2002 to protect this marine life now and for future generations.

This aquatic reserve is one of the most popular places for snorkelling, scuba diving, swimming and underwater photography in the Sydney region.

The small north facing Bay, with its north and west facing beaches, is favoured due to its protected waters, ease of foreshore access, as well as the diversity of marine life.

The aquatic reserve is located on Sydney's northern beaches at Manly. It covers an area of approximately 20 hectares, including the bay, rocky shores, and beaches from the southern end of Manly Beach to the northern end of Shelly Beach Headland.

The traditional custodians of this area are the Gayamaygal people of the Eora nation.

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