Feed quality

Optimise the health and production of your livestock through the nutritional analysis of silage, mixed feed, total mixed rations, hay, pasture, grain, concentrates and forages.

In our industry-leading  laboratory, our world-class scientists employ accredited testing techniques, systems and technologies to deliver independent, quality assured data. Utilising near infrared (NIR) and wet chemistry analyses, our Feed Quality Service can test for such parameters as dry or organic matter, digestibility, crude protein, fibre, metabolisable energy, fat, ammonia and nitrogen content or pH levels of feed samples.

Why should I test the quality of my feed?

An important component of animal management is to test the feed or fodder being consumed by livestock to understand its production potential.

Identifying the inherent energy, protein and fibre levels of the feed can assist in

  • predicting the intake of hay and silage.
  • determining the suitability of the fodder for gaining or maintaining weight in pregnant or lactating animals.
  • determining if supplementation is required to achieve your intended livestock targets.

Knowing the quality of feed can assist in accurately budgeting feed requirements and ensuring livestock management decisions are made with confidence.

Remove the guesswork, discover below how our Feed Quality Service can assist you to unearth the nutritional values to cultivate quality.

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