Grapevine management guide 2018-19

The 2018–19 edition of the Grapevine management guide focuses on managing pests and diseases in vineyards. Within this year’s guide readers will find contributions from NSW DPI, Vinehealth Australia and AWRI on such topics as:

  • powdery mildew
  • Botrytis
  • mealybug
  • bird control using drone technology
  • biosecurity
  • phylloxera
  • Grapevine Pinot Gris virus.

The latest research being conducted at the National Wine and Grape Industry Centre (NWGIC) is outlined by new centre director, Leigh Schmidtke, with several scientists from the centre providing papers and updates on trunk disease, impacts of herbicide drift and potassium nutrition.

The guide also includes the chemical appendices and the Australian Wine Research Institute's 'Dog book'.

This document is not fully web accessible, please contact for more information.
