NSW dairy industry

The NSW dairy industry NSW is the second largest dairy producing state in Australia, representing about 12% of total raw milk production. The dairy industry is the eighth largest agricultural sector in NSW and a major source of employment across regional areas.

NSW has the widest variation between dairy regions of any Australian state, ranging from the subtropical north coast to temperate south coast and irrigated inland regions. These regions reflect differences in feedbase, management systems and available processors.

Similar to other agricultural sectors, the industry has undergone a long period of consolidation and rationalisation over the past decade. The total number of farms has decreased but the average size of farms has increased, carrying more cows and producing more milk per farm and per cow.

The latest industry figures are available in the 2020 NSW Dairy Industry Situation Analysis (PDF, 5520.59 KB)

Snapshot of the NSW Dairy Industry

Snapshot of the NSW Dairy Industry

Previous Snapshots

NSW Licensed Dairy Farms