Interstate and intrastate certification

Biosecurity certificates for plant movements issued by an Authorised Officer are known as a Plant Health Certificate (PHC). Inspections and fees apply and you will need to contact the Department in advance to make arrangements to obtain a PHC each time you require this certification to accompany your consignments.

The national Interstate Certification Assurance (ICA) scheme and various Certification Assurance (CA) arrangements provide accredited businesses the ability to self-certify consignments with a Plant Health Assurance Certificate (PHAC). Accredited businesses are required to adhere to certain requirements which then allow the business to issue their own PHACs whenever they need to. There are fees for the application for accreditation as a biosecurity certifier and regular compliance audits are conducted as part of the accreditation.

Industry third party accreditation schemes provide a business with a self-certification alternative to the government run ICA scheme. The methods implemented by third party accreditation schemes result in valid written evidence being provided to state and territory quarantine authorities which confirm that certified consignments intended for movement across interstate and intrastate quarantine barriers meets specified entry requirements.

What type of certificate do I need or want?

Do I need a Government issued certificate?

Do I want to issue my own certificate (self-certify)?

  • Scroll down for information on  Interstate Certification Assurance Arrangement accreditation and self-certification by accredited businesses (PHAC).

Not sure what certificate I need

You may need a biosecurity certificate if you want to move items such as plants, plant products, agricultural equipment, used packaging, soil or organic matter between NSW and other states or territories, or within NSW. One type of biosecurity certificate, known as a Plant Health Certificate (PHC), will provide evidence that the item meets the quarantine requirements of its destination. The PHC must go with the item to the destination provided on the PHC once an Authorised Officer has issued you with one.

How do I get a NSW PHC?

Plan ahead to ensure you have your PHC when you need it. It takes time for an Authorised Officer to receive a request and make arrangements with you. You need to:

  1. Contact the importing state or territory for their current plant entry conditions.
  2. Find more information on the quarantine requirements for your item when moving within NSW or to other states and territories.
  3. Submit a request by –
    1. email to or
    2. phone 1800 680 244 (Option 6) (Monday – Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm)
      Your request will be assigned to an Authorised Officer. Allow at least 48 hours for an Authorised Officer to respond to your enquiry.
      The Authorised Officer will contact you. If the Authorised Officer confirms the necessary quarantine requirements have been met you will be issued with a PHC.
  4. Move the item together with the PHC, to the destination detailed on the PHC.

How much does it cost?

The inspection required to issue a PHC costs $37.50 per 15 minutes or part thereof.

The invoice is emailed or posted after the inspection and payment is required within 30 days.

Are there other biosecurity certificates for plant biosecurity?

Plant Health Assurance Certificate (PHAC) – self-certification

If you become an accredited business under the Interstate Certification Assurance (ICA) scheme you can self-certify using a Plant Health Assurance Certificate (PHAC).

Biosecurity certificate for Area Freedom

Contact us for information on how to apply for a Biosecurity certificate for Area Freedom.

Certification Assurance schemes were developed to allow a business to self-certify its produce to allow interstate and intrastate trade by meeting the quarantine requirements of the destination. Different produce and pests have different requirements such as chemical treatments or post-harvest inspections.

The Certification Assurance (CA) scheme is in place for intrastate (within NSW) and interstate trade between NSW and one or more states and/or territories.

What is Interstate Certification Assurance?

The Interstate Certification Assurance (ICA) and Certification Assurance (CA) arrangements fact sheet provides a useful summary of the scheme, how to apply for accreditation and the fees and charges.

ICA and CA arrangements

Visit the ICA procedures web page for more information on available ICA and CA arrangements in NSW.

Contact us for further information and advice