Sometimes it’s necessary to feed livestock fodder that comes from all over the country, especially during poor seasonal conditions and widespread drought.
Fodder includes any sort of hay, grain, meal, silage or mixture of material used to feed animals.
Many weeds can be brought into new areas through the movement of fodder.
Make informed choices when buying or receiving fodder by finding out:
- if a fodder vendor declaration is available
- what plants, including weeds, are known to be present in the fodder
- where the fodder was grown or sourced
- what the main weeds known to grow in the fodder production area are.
To assist with identifying new weeds:
- have designated feed out areas that you can check regularly for unfamiliar plants
- check roads and tracks where fodder has been transported
- if you find something unfamiliar find out what it is as soon as possible
- seek identification assistance from your local council Weeds Officer or from agricultural advisors/agronomists (within Local Land Services or commercial providers). Even if they don’t recognise the plant, they will have contacts who can help to identify the unknown plant.
Stop the spread:
- be vigilant all the time
- find new weeds early
- call the Biosecurity Helpline (1800 680 244) if you find a suspect plant – help will be provided
- act to limit spread – control new weeds before they set seed.