While the marine park aims to conserve all marine species occurring naturally in the region, particular emphasis is given to conserving species that are threatened, protected, or endemic.
- Some species, such as whales and some sharks and seabirds, have very large home ranges stretching well beyond park boundaries. However, the park can protect feeding, resting or breeding sites that may be seasonally important for such species, and can manage threats to their wellbeing or survival in the park.
- The park contains important habitat for the endangered grey nurse shark; including sites such as 'The Docks'.
- The eastern blue devilfish, elegant wrasse, black rockcod, some hard and soft corals, sea anemones, zooanthids, and all pipefishes and seahorses, are among the protected species known to occur in the park.
- Pied and sooty oystercatchers, hooded plovers and ospreys are among the threatened bird species known to nest, roost and/or feed on the rocky shores.
- Humpback and southern right whales are often spotted during migration and are an important tourist attraction.
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