Research on fish and recreational fishing


Partner Organisation





Screens for Streams: Boosting native fish stocks through improved water extraction practices

Will showcase effectiveness of innovative fish screens on irrigation pumps at selected sites across NSW and will facilitate broad -scale uptake of fish screening technologies on irrigation infrastructure across the MDB, to prevent large scale fish losses from water extraction practices.

Charles Sturt University


FW $100,000

FW $100,000

FW $100,000

Ciguatera Toxins in NSW Spanish Mackerel: Where, when and how much?

To determine the factors affecting the amount of Ciguatera Toxins in Spanish Mackerel caught recreationally in NSW over two fishing seasons.

University of Technology Sydney


SW $45,473

SW $0

SW $0

Flow-on benefits to recreational fishers following habitat repair

Habitat repair is a key priority, however, flow-on benefits for recreational fishers are unknown. This project will measure recreational fishery enhancement resulting from substantial habitat repair in Burrill Lake.

University of Newcastle


SW $43,200

SW $40,700

SW $0

Identification of the larvae of recreationally important fish species for long-term monitoring

Larvae of many recreationally important NSW fish species are not identifiable. Aligning traditional morphology and photographs of larval fish with modern genetics will reveal spawning habitats and changes in distributions.

Sydney Institute of Marine Science


SW $9,761

SW $0

SW $0

Marine stocking - Science-based sustainable and productive fisheries enhancement in NSW

The marine stocking program relies upon scientific evidence to underpin its success and sustainable growth into the future. This project outlines the ongoing research required as large-scale stocking of new species is commenced.



SW $295,546

SW $288,975

SW $294,496

Monitoring and Research on Landed Fish at Game Fishing Tournaments in NSW: 2021/2022

The project facilitates and conducts monitoring, sampling and biological research on billfish, tuna, sharks and other gamefish captured and weighed at the major game fishing tournaments in NSW.

Pepperell Research & Consulting Pty Ltd


SW $32,000

SW $0

SW $0

NSW Game Fish Tagging Program – the largest of its kind in the world

The NSW DPIRD Game Fish Tagging Program is the largest citizen science tagging program of its kind in the world and has been in operation since 1973. It uses anglers to obtain vital information on the biology of billfish, tunas, sharks and sport fish while encouraging fishers to participate in the management of the fishery.



SW $205,337

SW $209,773

SW $215,292

NSW Game Fish Tournament Monitoring

Collate data to support fisheries research and management of game fish species and to strengthen negotiations between recreational fishers, Government and other interested organisations regarding fishery access and resource sustainability.

Ghosn Consulting Services


SW $81,000

SW $84,000

SW $0

Provision of Annual Report for the Gamefish Tagging Program for 2020/2021

Provision of an informative, attractive and readily accessible report on the Gamefish Tagging Program for the year 2020/2021.

Pepperell Research & Consulting Pty Ltd


SW $6,500

SW $0

SW $0

Research Angler Program – Fish into fillets, frames into facts

The Research Angler Program is a citizen science initiative that aims to provide fishos with interesting and useful information relating to their catch while contributing valuable biological information to stock assessments and the management of key recreational fish species.



SW $194,733

SW $199,710

SW $203,800

The economic contributions of recreational fishing to NSW

A range of economic contributions by recreational fishing will be estimated via a survey of anglers, estimating the economic benefits of recreational fishing to both fishers and to the NSW regional economy.

University of Wollongong


SW $151,752

FW $65,036

SW $57,765

FW $24,757

SW $0

The impacts of physiological stress on visual function in fishes

This project will assess the physiological changes due to capture stress on the impacts of visual function in fish, with a view to improve post-capture survival.

Macquarie University


SW $9,885

SW $0

SW $0

Where are the big yellowtail kingfish? Satellite-tracking sexually mature kingfish caught in New South Wales to reveal spawning habitats and recruitment ‘hotspots’

This project will reveal the movements and location of spawning habitats for the NSW kingfish stock, as well as potential key recruitment areas, to address urgent knowledge gaps and increase quality recreational fishing opportunities.

Sydney Institute of Marine Science (SIMS)


SW $256,291

SW $258,016

SW $0

Building a stronger more sustainable freshwater recreational fishery in NSW- Phase 2

This project builds on the long-term recreational fishing monitoring and research program undertaken throughout NSW. The aim is to improve freshwater recreational fisheries in NSW which will result in economic, social and environmental benefits.



FW $754,559

FW $755,679

FW $754,520

Cost-effective social-economic monitoring for NSW inland recreational fisheries

This project will develop a cost effective, scalable approach to social and economic monitoring in inland recreational fisheries to provide managers and anglers with information at regular intervals

University of Technology Sydney


FW $118,125

FW $0

FW $0

Mapping Rainbow trout spawning habitat in the Eucumbene and Thredbo rivers

This is a proof-of-concept project that will trial the use of UAVs (drones) to identify and map preferred spawning sites for Rainbow trout in selected areas of the Thredbo and Eucumbene rivers. UAVs will be flown in pilot reaches to collect spot point survey data and high-resolution video imagery of predicted Rainbow trout spawning areas. The information will be analysed and mapped using GIS and will present important information including area of spawning habitat. Data will be used to support research on Rainbow trout spawning location preferences and will inform the development of management initiatives to improve the Rainbow trout fishery.

Anthony Simpson


FW $19,640

FW $0

FW $0

Phase 3: Installing Experimental Tube Fishways at NSW Weirs to develop fish passage design guidelines for new or rehabilitated barriers

The project will develop engineering and ecological guidelines for permanent Tube Fishways through field trials at strategically important sites across NSW.

The University of New South Wales


FW $295,748

FW $0

FW $0

Research observations of water temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH values on trout waters in the Barrington Tops. SF026 continuing.

To continue a second year of a programme, compiling a detailed log of key indices on varying sites in streams and dams on the Barrington Tops, including the Upper Manning, Hunter and Barrington Rivers and their tributaries with a view to confirming suitability for Trout stocking for recreational fishing opportunities.

The Barrington Club Inc.


FW $1,366

FW $0

FW $0

Developing genetic tools to improve management of captive Mulloway broodfish for stock enhancement

This research will develop hatchery and molecular techniques to select genetically diverse hatchery-reared mulloway fingerlings (F1) of known sex and to on grow them to maturity in tanks. A breeding plan will be developed that will ensure fingerlings produced from the first generation broodfish will satisfy the essential genetic diversity criteria required for ongoing stocking into estuaries to boost recreational fishing. Mulloway remains a high priority for stocking in NSW.

University of the Sunshine Coast


SW $96,257

SW $83,871

SW $93,486

Informing sustainable multi-sector harvest of NSW Estuary Cockles

Informing the sustainable management of NSW Estuary Cockle, including the burgeoning recreational harvest, filling critical knowledge gaps in their reproductive biology and ecology and in understanding resource use among sectors.



SW $60,000

SW $60,000

SW $60,000

State-wide recreational fishing survey and charter boat monitoring

The project seeks continuation of funding for the state-wide recreational fishing survey program, which includes 1) an ongoing time series of state-wide recreational fisheries catch, effort, and socioeconomic data, and 2) ongoing monitoring of the Charter Boat Fishery. The information collected is essential for monitoring, assessment and management of recreational fisheries, and broader fisheries resources within NSW.



SW $266,609

FW $29,623

SW $645,927

FW $71,770

SW $862,663

FW $95,851

Using eDNA to assess how estuarine fish communities respond to consecutive extreme events of drought, bushfire, and flood.

This project will utilise weekly environmental DNA (eDNA) samples collected from NSW estuaries between 2018 - 2020 to explore how recreational fish assemblages were impacted by consecutive extreme events.

Charles Sturt University


SW $0

SW $156,525

SW $0

Smart approaches to surveying recreational fishing facilities

This project will monitor fish cleaning tables and associated boat ramps using high-definition video and leverage artificial intelligence to extract information about recreational fishing catches and facility use.

Macquarie University


SW $0

SW $191,403

SW $0

Monitoring of changes in Lake Macquarie Blue Swimmer Crab populations following the recent regulation change

The project will monitor for potential changes in the Blue Swimmer Crab population following the removal of the crab traps closure in Lake Macquarie, comparing data collected following the regulation change with independent surveys from 2018-2021 and a reference estuary monitored over the same time frame.



SW $0

SW $19,468

SW $10,835

Monitoring and Research on Landed Fish at Game Fishing Tournaments in NSW: 2022/2023

The project facilitates and conducts monitoring, sampling and biological research on billfish, tuna, sharks and other gamefish captured and weighed at the major game fishing tournaments in NSW.

Pepperell Research & Consulting Pty Ltd


SW $0

SW $32,500

SW $0

Fishery biology and ecology of the marine snail, Turbo militaris

This research addresses critical knowledge gaps on the biology and ecology of the recreationally and culturally harvested turban snail, Turbo militaris for sustainable management.

National Marine Science Centre


SW $0

SW $8,000

SW $0

Long-term security and archiving of tissue samples collected from billfish, tuna, sharks and other gamefish at NSW tournaments from 2015 to 2022

Biological samples of these recreationally caught fish collected at game fishing tournaments continue to be stored and utilised for various scientific studies in NSW and around Australia. Due to the growing number of samples, this project insures against loss by dividing all tissue sample collected from billfish, tuna, sharks and other gamefish since 2015 into three sets frozen at -20°C, -80°C and the third set in liquid in preserving fluid.

Pepperell Research & Consulting Pty Ltd


SW $0

SW $8,950

SW $0

Provision of Annual Report for the Gamefish Tagging Program for 2021/2022

Provision and publication of an informative, attractive and readily accessible report on the Gamefish Tagging Program for the year 2021/22. The report is widely distributed throughout the game fishing community each year.

Pepperell Research & Consulting Pty Ltd


SW $0

SW $6,700

SW $0

Drilling down into spawning locations for wild yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) using otolith oxygen isotopes

This project will validate the relationship between water temperature and oxygen isotopes in kingfish otoliths and use this to bracket the likely habitat within which NSW kingfish were born.

Sydney Institute of Marine Science


SW $0

SW $9,994

SW $0

Making More Maccas

This project will augment the current Macquarie perch recovery actions by providing support for genetic enhancement, population monitoring, relocation of introduced species, eDNA surveys and captive breeding efforts.



FW $0

FW $76,971

FW $132,761

NSW DPIRD Freshwater Fish Tagging

This project will increase the number of fish tagged and broaden the species included in the current tagging program. This will focus on increasing the number of tagged fish released by NSW DPIRD trout hatcheries and expanding the locations of where these fish are stocked. Tagging of native species is also proposed.



FW $0

FW $10,000

FW $10,000

Impacts of parasites on larval fish of the Murray Darling Basin

This project will assess the impacts of parasites and other pathogens on the growth and survival of larval freshwater fish in the Murray Darling Basin, which will inform future hatchery breeding technology for Murray Cod and Golden perch and potentially boost stocking production.

Charles Sturt University


FW $0

FW $102,656

FW $0

Extending knowledge of the development of fish survival behaviour to inform re-stocking programs: night-time behaviour of Murray cod and rainbow trout survival

This project will extend the research findings from a previous Recreational Fishing Trust project on evaluation of survival behaviour of fish by examining the survival behaviour of Rainbow Trout and Murray Cod under night-time conditions. This research will support the economic and environmental benefits of re-stocking practices.

Charles Sturt University


FW $0

FW $39,407

FW $0

Provision of Annual Report for the Gamefish Tagging Program for 2022/2023

Provision of an informative, attractive and readily accessible report on the Gamefish Tagging Program for the year 2022/2023.

Pepperell Research & Consulting Pty Ltd


SW $0

SW $0

SW $7,000

Monitoring and Research on Landed Fish at Game Fishing Tournaments in NSW: 2023/24

The project organizes, facilitates and conducts monitoring, sampling and biological research on billfish, tuna, sharks and other gamefish captured and weighed at the major game fishing tournaments in NSW.

Pepperell Research & Consulting Pty Ltd


SW $0

SW $0

SW $34,200

Utilisation of modified habitats, rehabilitated sites and conservation areas by fishes in Kamay (Botany Bay)

This project seeks to provide a quantitative understanding of the movement patterns and habitat usage of recreationally and commercially important fish species within Kamay (Botany Bay).

University of Sydney


SW $0

SW $85,444

SW $89,077

SW $68,853 (2024/25)

Parasites of Rainbow trout: impact on fish survival, other fish and human health

To examine hatchery-reared Rainbow trout for parasites. Parasites can influence the ability of fish to avoid predation and can pose a risk to other fish and human health. This research will support the economic, environmental and community health benefits of re-stocking practices.

Charles Sturt University


FW $0

FW $39,965

FW $0

NSW Game Fish Tournament Monitoring

Collate data to support fisheries research and management of game fish species and to strengthen negotiations between recreational fishers, Government and other interested organisations regarding fishery access and resource sustainability.

Ghosn Consulting Services


SW $0

SW $0

SW $87,000

Projects funded prior to 2020/21 can be viewed in the: