Priority Area Snapshot


Recreational compliance checks undertaken


Offences detected and actioned


Educational events attended by DPI Fisheries Officers

Fisheries Officers

Key Achievements:

  • 33,194 compliance checks undertaken across NSW waterways by Fisheries officers
  • the detection of 3,767 offences (resulting from recreational compliance checks), which led to 2,069 written warnings, 1,437 penalty notices totalling $460,850 in value, 72 prosecution actions and 189 other sanction types
  • attendance of Fisheries officers at 82 educational events.

Compliance Statistics

Total recreational contacts 33,194
Compliance rate for recreational sector 91%
Recreational field hours 40,302
Recreational offences 3,767
Recreational written warnings 2,069
Recreational penalty notices 1,437
Value of recreational penalty notices $460,850
Recreational prosecution actions commenced 72
Value of recreational prosecution fines $98,730
Operations conducted (all sectors) 35
Recreational fish and invertebrates seized 31,539
Recreational fishing gear and other items seized 1,175
Vessel patrol hours (all sectors) 4,407
Educational events attended (all sectors) 82

2022-23 Annual Report

Income and expenditure from the Trusts are subject to an annual audit and regular announcements are made about licence fee expenditure. DPI also carries out periodic surveys of recreational fishing licence holders to ensure that the broad funding priorities are in line with angler expectations.

Download the 2022-23 Annual Report