Trust Funding Summary

projects funded

Since 2001, over 3,300 large and small projects have been approved for funding from the Trusts

projects underway

135 were approved for funding in 2022-23 worth $23.8 million

How are the Trusts managed?

It is important that the management of the Recreational Fishing Trusts are accountable to the community on how Trust funds are spent.

For this reason, Recreational Fishing Trusts are regulated by law and are overseen by an advisory council and two expenditure committees who provide advice on expenditure priorities from the Trusts.

Financial reports on the Recreational Fishing Trusts are included in the Department of Regional NSW Annual Report and reviews are undertaken each year by the NSW Audit Office.

Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council (RFNSW)

RFNSW members represent eight regional areas, and include members with specific expertise in spearfishing and charter boat fishing, and other representatives that significantly benefit the function of the Advisory Council.

Find out more about the Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council (RFNSW)

Recreational Fishing Freshwater Trust Expenditure Committee (RFFTEC)

The Recreational Fishing Freshwater Trust Expenditure Committee provides advice on expenditure priorities from the Freshwater Trust.

Find out more about the Recreational Fishing Freshwater Trust Expenditure Committee (RFFTEC)

Recreational Fishing Saltwater Trust Expenditure Committee (RFSTEC)

The Recreational Fishing Saltwater Trust Expenditure Committee provides advice on expenditure priorities from the Saltwater Trust.

Find out more about the Recreational Fishing Saltwater Trust Expenditure Committee (RFSTEC)

Apply for funding

Anyone can apply for funding from the Recreational Fishing Trusts, including fishing organisations, universities, councils, community groups, and individuals.

Apply for funding now

2022-23 Annual Report

Income and expenditure from the Trusts are subject to an annual audit and regular announcements are made about licence fee expenditure. DPI also carries out periodic surveys of recreational fishing licence holders to ensure that the broad funding priorities are in line with angler expectations.

Download the 2022-23 Annual Report