Licence declarations

Know what you're declaring!

Under the Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002, a NSW Game Hunting Licence must be refused if, in the previous 10 years:

  • you have been found guilty of an offence in New South Wales or elsewhere involving cruelty or harm to animals, personal violence, damage to property or unlawful entry into land
  • you have been found guilty of an offence under section 55 (details below)
  • you are assessed as not a fit and proper person to hold the licence
  • you have been found guilty of an offence listed in the Game and Feral Animal Control Regulation 2022 (details below).

If you answer 'yes' to any of these questions about whether you have been found guilty of any offences in the past 10 years, we will request further information from you to assess whether we are able to grant a licence under the legislation.

If you have been found guilty of an offence in another Australian jurisdiction (outside NSW) or overseas, relating to firearms or weapons; hunting on land without permission, or dishonesty, you must declare this at the final question on your application form (not listed on this page).

You can view all the legislation referenced on this page by visiting the NSW Legislation website. To discuss your circumstances or for more information, contact DPIRD Hunting on 02 6363 7650.

Declaration questionOffences
In the previous 10 years, have you been found guilty of any offence in NSW or elsewhere involving cruelty or harm to animals, personal violence, damage to property or unlawful entry onto land?
  • Various - we will seek more information from you
In the previous 10 years have you been found guilty of an offence under the Firearms Act 1996 that is, in accordance with section 84 of that Act, an offence that may be (or is required to be) prosecuted on indictment?

Section 21(4) Game & Feral Animal Control Act 2002
  • Possess or use a pistol or prohibited firearm without a licence or permit
  • Use a pistol or prohibited firearm for any purpose other than the genuine reason for possessing or using the pistol or prohibited firearm, or contravenes any licence condition
  • Possess or use a firearm without a licence or permit
  • Use a firearm for any purpose other than genuine reason or licence condition
  • Supply, acquire, possess or use a firearm that is not registered
  • Carry on activities as a firearms dealer, or possess a firearm, without being licensed as a firearms dealer
  • Employ a prescribed person in the business of a licensed firearms dealer or permit a prescribed person to act as an agent for, or participate in the management of, a licensed firearms dealer business
  • Acquire a firearm or firearm part without a licence or permit (unless licensed firearms dealer)
  • Manufacture a firearm without licence or permit
  • Give possession of a firearm or firearm part to another person without a licence or permit
  • Supply or take part in supply of a firearm to another person without authorisation of licence or permit, or without documents, licences or permits being inspected or to another person who is not a licensed firearms dealer, or to an unlicensed firearm dealer
  • Acquire a firearm from a supplier not authorised with licence or permit, or without production and inspection of licence or permit
  • Supply or take part in the supply of a firearm, pistol or prohibited firearm part to another person when not authorised by licence or permit, or if the other person is not authorised with a licence or permit for the kind of firearm that the part relates to, or the other person’s licence or permit has not been produced and inspected by the supplier
    Possess more than 3 firearms when firearms not registered, and not authorised by licence or permit to possess firearm
  • Possess or use a pistol fitted with a magazine that has a capacity of more than 10 rounds if a category H licence holder
  • Possess a digital blueprint for the manufacture of a firearm on a 3D printer or electronic milling machine
  • Use, possess, acquire or supply stolen firearm or firearm part or give to another person
  • Possess a barrel for a firearm or pistol when not authorised by licence or permit
  • Shorten a firearm, possess a shortened firearm, supply or give possession of a shortened firearm to another person, or shorten a firearm to convert to a pistol when not authorised by licence or permit
  • Alter the construction or action of a pistol that is not prohibited, to convert to a prohibited pistol
  • Alter the construction or action of a prohibited firearm, to convert to a not prohibited firearm
  • Alter the construction or action of a not prohibited firearm, to convert to a prohibited firearm
  • Provide a person with information about the altering, construction, action of a firearm when not authorised by licence or permit to possess a firearm that is capable of being altered
  • Handle a firearm whilst under the influence of alcohol or any other drug
  • Supply or give possession of firearm to a person they believe is under influence of alcohol or any other drug
  • Supply or give permission of firearm to a person they believe is incapable of exercising responsible control over the firearm
  • Deface or alter any number, letter or identification mark on any firearm or firearm part
  • Use, supply, acquire or possess a defaced firearm or firearm part, or give possession of defaced firearm or firearm part to another person
  • Make a statement or provide information that is false or misleading in respect to an application under the Act or Regulations
  • Making false representation of being the holder of a licence or permit (whether or not it is in force)
  • Making a false or misleading entry in, or altering a record, required to be made or kept by a firearms dealer
  • Acquiring, possessing or using a firearm, firearm part or ammunition while subject to a firearms prohibition order
  • Supplying or giving possession of a firearms, firearm part or ammunition to another person, knowing that the other person is subject to a firearms prohibition order
  • Manufacture a pistol or prohibited firearm without appropriate licence or permit
  • Supply, or knowingly take part, in the supply of a pistol or prohibited firearms to another person without the required licences or permits, or without being licensed as a firearms dealer, to a person who is not a licensed firearms dealer
  • Contravene section 51 (restrictions on supply of firearms) or 51BA (restrictions on supply of firearms parts) on 3 or more separate occasions over any 12 month period
  • In possession of more than 3 firearms, any one of which being a pistol or prohibited firearm that are not registered and if the person is not authorised by a licence or permit to possess the firearms
In the previous 10 years have you been found guilty of an offence under sections 16, 18, 27, 50 or 55 of the Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002?

Section 21(3)(b) Game & Feral Animal Control Act 2002 and 16(1)(a) Game & Feral Animal Control Regulation 2022
  • Hunting a game animal on private or public land without holding a game hunting licence
  • Hunting game animals on declared public land without holding a NSW Restricted Game Hunting Licence
  • Falsely admitting to having a game hunting licence, or providing false or inaccurate information to obtain a licence
  • Refusing or failing to comply with a requirement or question from an inspector
  • Providing false or inaccurate information, evidence or documents in response to questions from an inspector
  • Obstructing, impeding, hindering, assaulting or threatening an inspector
  • Releasing an animal into the wild for the purpose of hunting it or its descendants
In the previous 10 years have you been found guilty of an offence under sections 2.1 or 2.5 of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016?

Section 16(1)(b) Game & Feral Animal Control Regulation 2022
  • Harming or attempting to harm an animal that is a threatened species, part of a threatened ecological community or protected
  • Dealing or attempting to deal an animal that is a threatened species, part of a threatened ecological community or protected, including buying, selling, trading, importing, exporting or possessing these animals
In the previous 10 years have you been found guilty of an offence under sections 8(3) or (4), 9(1) or 12(2) of the Companion Animals Act 1998?

Section 16(1)(c) Game & Feral Animal Control Regulation 2022
  • Not meeting companion animal identification requirements
  • Selling a companion animal without the required identification
  • Not registering an animal older than 6 months
  • Not attaching a collar with name, address and owner’s telephone number to a dog
In the previous 10 years have you been found guilty of an offence under sections 93G, 93H, 93I or 310J of the Crimes Act 1900?

Section 16(1)(d) Game & Feral Animal Control Regulation 2022
  • Possessing a loaded firearm in or near a public place, in a manner likely to injure or endanger yourself or others, or property, or disregarding safety of another person
  • Entering a building or land (other than a road) with a firearm/imitation firearm where you are not the owner/occupier and do not have a reasonable excuse
  • Firing a firearm into a building or on any land where you are not the owner/occupier and do not have a reasonable excuse
  • Possessing an unregistered firearm in a public place without authorisation under the Firearms Act 1996?
In the previous 10 years have you been found guilty of an offence under Part 5.3 or 5.4 of the Criminal Code of the Commonwealth?

Section 16(1)(e) Game & Feral Animal Control Regulation 2022
  • Terrorism
  • Harming Australians
In the previous 10 years have you been found guilty of an offence under section 9.5(3) of the Crown Land Management Act 2016?

Section 16(1)(f) Game & Feral Animal Control Regulation 2022
  • Using a structure or carrying on an activity on Crown land while prohibited from doing so by a notice
In the previous 10 years have you been found guilty of an offence under sections 7, 7A, 39(1), 40(1), 65, 66, or 68(1) of the Firearms Act 1996?

Section 16(1)(g) Game & Feral Animal Control Regulation 2022
  • Unauthorised possession or use of pistols or prohibited firearms
  • Possessing a firearm without a licence or using a firearm in contravention of your genuine reason or licence conditions
  • Not taking all reasonable precautions to ensure a firearm’s safe keeping, it is not stolen or lost, or does not come into the possession of an unauthorised person
  • Not complying with safe storage requirements (Category A & B licence holders)
  • Supplying or giving possession of ammunition for any firearms to another person who does not hold a licence or firearm for that ammunition
  • Defacing or altering any number, letter or identification mark on a firearm or firearm part, or using, supplying, acquiring or possession a defaced firearm or firearm part
  • Not producing a licence or permit on demand to a police officer at any time, or within 6 hours, along with your full name and usual place of residence
In the previous 10 years have you been found guilty of an offence under clauses 30(4), 32(2) or (3) of the Firearms Regulation 2017?

Section 16(1)(h) Game & Feral Animal Control Regulation 2022
  • Not producing your permission to shoot on rural land on demand to a police officer or authorised offer, or within 48 hours
  • Being an approved hunting club representative with permission for members to shoot on rural land and not producing the club’s permission on demand to a police officer or authorised offer, or within 48 hours
  • Being an approved hunting club member with permission for members to shoot on rural land and not producing the club’s permission on demand to a police officer or authorised offer, or within 48 hours
In the previous 10 years have you been found guilty of an offence under clauses 52 or 53 of the Fisheries Management (General) Regulation 2019?

Section 16(1)(i) Game & Feral Animal Control Regulation 2022
  • Taking fish in any waters by means of a firearm
In the previous 10 years have you been found guilty of an offence under section 68 of the Forestry Act 2012?

Section 16(1)(j) Game & Feral Animal Control Regulation 2022
  • Possessing or discharging a firearm in a forestry area
  • Possessing, placing, or using a net, trap, snare, hunting device, poison or explosive in a forestry area
  • Discharging a firearm into a forestry area
  • Taking, killing, hunting, shooting, poisoning, netting, snaring, spearing, capturing, luring or injuring an animal in a forestry area
  • Causing or permitting these things to be done, without holding a forest permit or lease, a NSW Restricted Game Hunting Licence, or being an employee or land manager
In the previous 10 years have you been found guilty of an offence under sections 45, 56, 58Q or 70 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974?

Section 16(1)(k) Game & Feral Animal Control Regulation 2022
  • Harming an animal or discharging a weapon in a national park or historic site, unless acting on the authority or duty of another Act
  • Using an animal, firearm, explosive, net, trap, hunting device or instrument or any means to harm an animal in a nature reserve or karst conservation reserve
  • Carrying, discharging or having prohibited weapons in your possession in a nature reserve or karst conservation reserve
  • Having a dog in a nature reserve or karst conservation reserve
  • Using an animal, firearm, explosive, net, trap, hunting device or instrument or any means to harm an animal within a wildlife refuge, conservation area, wilderness area or under a wilderness protection agreement, or carrying a prohibited weapon, hunting device or be accompanied by a dog
In the previous 10 years have you been found guilty of an offence under clauses 11, 14, 23 or 28 of the National Parks and Wildlife Regulation 2019?

Section 16(1)(l) Game & Feral Animal Control Regulation 2022
  • Taking or releasing an animal in a park
  • Placing or keeping an animal in a park
  • Having possession or control of an animal in a park
  • Failing to prevent an animal from entering a park
  • Carrying, trapping, poisoning or baiting, hunting, shooting, trapping or having in possession an animal, including removing animal nests, eggs or resting place/beehive
  • Feeding animals
  • Carrying, possessing or using a hunting collar, breast plate or tracking collar for a dog or having a hunting dog equipped for hunting
  • Possessing or carrying a firearm or imitation firearm in a park
  • Carrying, possessing or discharging an airgun, speargun or other lethal weapon, explosives, flares or fireworks, or ammunition, in a park
  • Throwing or propelling an object to damage or cause injury to a person, animal or thing in a park
  • Carrying, using or possessing a knife in a park
  • Destroying, damaging or removing anything that is being used by a park authority for the suppression or destruction of any animals in a park
  • Interfering with or impairing the effectiveness of anything that is being used by a park authority for the suppression or destruction of any animals in a park
  • Removing, damaging, or obscuring signage in a park
  • Interfering with or obstructing any action any action taken by park authorities in a park
In the previous 10 years have you been found guilty of an offence under sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 19, 19A, 21 or 23 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979?

Section 21(3)(a) Game & Feral Animal Control Act 2002 and Section 16(1)(m) Game & Feral Animal Control Regulation 2022
  • Cruelty to animals
  • Aggravated cruelty to animals
  • Carrying or conveying an animal, or where in charge of an animal, authorising the carriage and conveyance of an animal in a manner which unreasonably, unnecessarily or unjustifiably inflicts pain upon the animal
  • Authorising or conveying a horse on a multi-deck vehicle
  • Carrying or conveying a dog (other than a working dog) on an open back moving vehicle on a public street without restraint or enclosure
  • Not providing food, water or shelter for an animal
  • Not providing a confined animal with adequate exercise
  • Selling, auctioning, exchanging, supplying or purchasing an electrical device for use on animals, or using, selling or possessing such a device
  • Advertising, promoting or taking part in a match/competition or other activity in which an animal is released from confinement for the purpose of shooting at it
  • Managing or controlling a game park, authorising a premises to be used as a game park, receiving any money or other consideration for the admission of another person to any premises used as a game park
  • Taking or killing any animal in a game park after paying an admission fee
  • Causing/encouraging an animal to be released from confinement for the purpose of being chased, confined or caught by a dog
  • Advertising, promoting or organising the above activity
  • Using an animal as a lure or kill for the purpose of blooding greyhounds in any connection with training or racing a dog
  • Possessing or setting a steel-jawed trap in New South Wales with the intention of using it to trap animals
In the previous 10 years have you been found guilty of an offence under sections 11C or 28J of the Summary Offences Act 1988
Section 16(1)(n) Game & Feral Animal Control Regulation 2022
  • Carrying a knife in a public place or school without reasonable excuse
  • Entering private land without the owner’s consent and hunting for any animal while carrying a knife without reasonable excuse
In the previous 10 years have you been found guilty of an offence under section 7 of the Weapons Prohibition Act 1998
Section 16(1)(o) Game & Feral Animal Control Regulation 2022
  • Possessing or using a prohibited weapon without authorisation, or possessing or using the weapon in contravention of a permit