Aquaculture Research Advisory Committee

RD&E Strategic Plan 2024-2029

The NSW Aquaculture Research Advisory Committee (ARAC) advises the Minister on the level of contributions to and expenditure from the trust accounts established for annual contributions made by permit holders (lease and land based research levies) and advises on the directions and priorities for research that will benefit the NSW Aquaculture Industry.
In 2012, ARAC first developed a Aquaculture Research, Development & Extension (RD&E plan) incorporating land and lease-based research issues that were identified following consultation with industry. The plan is updated every 5 years.

The Aquaculture Research, Development & Extension (RD&E) Strategic Plan 2024-2029 has been finalised. Download a copy of the RD&E Strategic Plan 2024-2029 

Invitation to submit ideas

Below is the form giving you an opportunity to convey your ideas and advise of the issues that may be constraining the growth of your business. This form is from the ARAC RD&E Strategic Plan which is a ‘living document’ and is reviewed annually by ARAC. Download the submission to ARAC for a Research Initiative () PDF, 210.12 KB - giving permit holders an opportunity to convey ideas and advise of the issues that may be constraining the growth of your business.

Please use the form to Submit a Research Initiative and send via email to or via post to Rachel Kerma, Executive Officer C/- ARAC, Locked Bag 1, Nelson Bay NSW 2315 by Friday 3rd of May 2024 for review at the next ARAC Meeting.

Each submission should clearly state the need for the research, including the constraints and anticipated benefits to your business, sector, or the NSW Aquaculture Industry and the level of support for the research. Where further information (such as references for related studies) is available, this should also be included.  ​

The Committee

The Aquaculture Research Advisory Committee (ARAC) was established in October 2006 and held its inaugural meeting on 31 January 2007.

ARAC is a statutory committee that advises the Minister on the amount of contributions payable by the NSW aquaculture industries into trust accounts for aquaculture research and development and the expenditure of those trust funds. The NSW prawn aquaculture industry is not included as it pays research levies directly to the Commonwealth.

Terms of Reference

  1. Investigate and evaluate the requirement for aquaculture research and development in NSW, after consultation with NSW Aquaculture Industries and with reference to NSW, Australian and overseas experience, and whether funded by the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation or otherwise;
  2. Revise as appropriate Research and Development Plans for NSW aquaculture research and development and promote it to the wider research community;
  3. Advise the appropriate NSW Fisheries Research Advisory bodies and the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation on NSW aquaculture research and development matters and priorities;
  4. Advise the NSW Minister for Primary Industries on the level of funding from industry required for aquaculture research and development in NSW and on its expenditure;
  5. Oversee the management of annual contributions for aquaculture research collected under Section 156 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994, and placed in separate trust accounts under Section 157 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994.
  6. Report on a regular basis, including an Annual Report based on a financial year, to the NSW Aquaculture industry, the NSW Minister for Primary Industries and NSW researchers on aquaculture research and development initiatives;
  7. Facilitate the dissemination, adoption and commercialisation of the results of aquaculture research and development; and
  8. Promote aquaculture research and development in NSW.

ARAC annual reports

Membership of ARAC as at April 2024

  • Professor Ian White (Chairperson)
  • Mr Warwick Anderson (industry representative)
  • Dr Pia Winberg (industry representative)
  • Mr Angus Rivett (industry representative)
  • Ms Milada Safarik (industry representative)
  • Dr Wayne O'Connor (NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development)
  • Mr Ian Lyall (NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development)
  • Mr Paul Ryan (NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development)
  • Ms Rachel Kerma (Executive Officer, NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development)

All initial enquiries should be directed to the Executive Officer via email

Next meeting

15 May 2024

Summary of discussions

Summary of Discussions (PDF, 167.29 KB) from the Aquaculture Research Advisory Committee (ARAC) meeting held on 19 March 2020.

Submission to ARAC for a research initiative

Download the submission to ARAC for a Research Initiative (PDF, 67.95 KB) - giving permit holders an opportunity to convey ideas and advise of the issues that may be constraining the growth of your business.

Oyster research and development

Oyster research and development currently being undertaken in Australia

Aquaculture and development

Aquaculture research and development currently being undertaken in Australia

Oyster Research Advisory Committee publications

A complete list of Oyster Research Advisory Committee publications

A complete list of Oyster publications by department staff from 1899

Other resources

See also:  Aquaculture Research Advisory Committee RD&E Strategic Plan 2017-2022

Historic photos of the NSW Oyster Industry