Expressions of Interest (EOI) process for apiary sites on public land

To keep beehives (an apiary) on public land in NSW you must hold a permit or license to do so from the government agency that manages the land.  Following the new policy framework for apiary sites on public land, the process for allocation of new apiary sites or recently vacated apiary sites now follows an expressions of interest (EOI) process.  This process was developed following extensive consultation with industry. (A summary of feedback received is available in this Consultation Report (PDF, 631.94 KB)

EOI releases will be held periodically to allow applications for sites that have become available.  Details of each release will be published on this page. Sites will be published online for a period of 1 month during which sites and can reviewed and EOI applications submitted.  Further detail of the EOI process is listed below.

Expected Publication Date

Site Location(s)

Approximate number of sites

Link to review sites and apply.

06 May 2024 to 2 June 2024

NSW National Parks, Local Land Services and Forestry Corporation site across NSW


Apply via the BPASS site.  To register and access BPASS follow the steps on the BPASS How To page.

The application process

The following infographics explains the planned high level application and assessment processes.

EOI Assessment Process

Flowchart of EOI assessment process

For any further information contact the Apiary Sites helpdesk at