
Empty honey comb


Tocal College nationally accredited training

Plant Health Australia BOLT training (free)

Record keeping templates

Pest and disease lab submission form

If you would like to send a sample to us please submit the following form:

Useful links for the honey bee industry

The links below lead to resources about honey bees from other organisations and government departments.

General public and bees

On occasion, bees may come into contact with the general public. The resources below provide information on beekeepers' responsibilities, the rights of the general public affected by beekeeping activities or nuisance bees, and what to do when bees swarm.


Bee Biosecurity Community

We have set up a Facebook Group – Bee Biosecurity so that people in this sector can share ideas and learn from each other.

Our new ‘Bee Biosecurity’ Facebook group provides information on biosecurity, bee pests and diseases, responsible beekeeping practices, and is a space for members to share their own beekeeping experiences, knowledge and tips.

As a member of the group you will have direct access to AFB Awareness content throughout October, allowing you to engage with us and other beekeepers about the threat this disease poses for our hives.

If you’re on Facebook, join the ‘Bee Biosecurity’ group here.

A range of diagnostic tests are offered to beekeepers at the regional veterinary laboratories.
See also: Submitting samples for disease diagnosis