Fish for Life

Fisher releasing fish

Building a healthy fishing future

More than a hobby, fishing provides endless opportunities to explore, learn and have fun in the great outdoors. That’s what Fish For Life is all about – building a healthy fishing future here in NSW for future generations to enjoy and appreciate.

New to fishing

Anglers fishing on a beach

Spending time in nature, getting back to basics, wetting a line – fishing is the perfect motivation for a new adventure.

Find out how to get started and how to fish responsibly.

Live for fishing

Angler with kingfish

If fishing is your passion, you’re one of us. Learn how your contribution is making a positive impact on recreational fishing across the state.

Help us build a healthy fishing future

Try Fishing Sessions and Fishing Workshops

Family fishing from jetty

Looking to cast a line with your kids? Join us at one of our FREE ‘try fishing’ sessions across the state and get the whole family hooked.

Find out where your nearest ‘Try Fishing’ session is being held.

Initiatives for a better fishing future

Supported by funding provided from the Recreational Fishing Trusts, Fish For Life is a collective identity for the initiatives underway in NSW that provide quality and sustainable fishing opportunities for recreational anglers.

As a key initiative, Fish For Life aims to do the following:

  • To promote recreational fishing as an exciting, healthy, inclusive and family activity for everyone to ensure long-term acceptance and support from the wider community
  • To promote stewardship and a sense of ‘community’ amongst recreational fishers
  • Introduce Fish for Life as an overarching and recognisable ‘identity’ for recreational fishing which collectively represents the many programs underway in NSW providing quality and sustainable fishing opportunities.

Fishing lure on wodden pole

Can my organisation use Fish for Life?

Yes, we encourage this!

Any organisation, association, group, entity, individual, corporation or business interested in promoting the positive social and economic benefits of recreational fishing in NSW is welcome to apply to use Fish for Life as part of their marketing, promotions and social licence material.

Fish for Life is trademarked by NSW DPIRD - Fisheries on behalf of the NSW recreational fishing community.

How do I apply to use Fish for Life?

If you want to be part of Fish for Life and help promote a healthy, fishing future for recreational fishing, email

Permission to use Fish for Life branding will be granted provided the applicant can commit:

  • to promoting, supporting and endorsing the positive attributes of Fish for Life
  • to consistently demonstrating responsible, ethical and sustainable behaviour
  • to following NSW DPIRD Fisheries recreational fishing rules and regulations

If you do not comply with the above criteria, permission to be associated with Fish for Life will be withdrawn.

Fisherman fishing

Advertising Compliance Certificate - 2021/2022