DPI Hunting supports responsible hunting on public and private lands through educational programs including ethical bow hunter and responsible hunting of pigs with dogs programs, as well the GunSmart program (the NSW firearms safety initiative). DPI approves courses for training of hunters and accredits persons, clubs or associations to deliver those courses. The Hunter Learning, Education and Accreditation Program (LEAP) includes a range of accredited training, short courses, workshops and manuals. those
- Number of recreational game licenced hunters averaged 25,674 for 2022-23, including 2,593 General Game Hunting Licences.
- On average 233 of the declared state forests were available to hunters through the DPI booking/permit system during 2022-23.
- 17,679 feral animals harvested from declared State Forests in 2022-23.
Recreational game licence hunter activity
Hunters holding a valid Restricted Game Hunting Licence, s required for hunting on public land, were permitted a total of 61,265 hunting days in 2022-23. There were just over 7,500 unique hunters with these active hunters averaging just over 8 days hunting per hunter on approved public
Number of NSW recreational hunting licences (including Restricted s and General t ) 5
Pest animals harvested from State Forests 5
- Number Taken 2021-22
- Number Taken 2022-23
Stronger Primary Industries Strategy
Success of new online hunting course
Strategic Outcome
- 6.3 Regulate natural resource access now and for the future
The R-Licence Accreditation Course features real-life hunting scenarios and best practice methods to provide more comprehensive and relevant education about legal hunting in NSW. The R-Licence Accreditation Course is part of the NSW Department of Primary Industries Hunter Learning, Education and Accreditation Program (LEAP). Hunter LEAP ensures that individuals seeking to hunt on public lands are suitably educated and provides NSW Game Hunting Licence holders with access to a range of short courses and workshops to improve their skills and learn new techniques. The figures speak for themselves: since the course launched in April 2022, 3508 hunters have completed 10,220 individual courses with 100% of those hunters going on to apply for their Restricted game hunting licence. They are now part of the legal, safe and responsible recreational hunting community in NSW who have helped remove over 17,500 feral animals from public land in 2022-23 – further testament to the economic, social and environmental benefits of recreational hunting in NSW.