Honey and Beeswax

  • arrow-up Output $57m est. Down 12% yoy 8.
  • Output is made up of honey and beeswax sales however apiarists (beekeepers) also earn income from providing pollination services.
  • Production was significantly impacted by drought and bushfires during the year.

Reducing pesticide damage to honey bees

Pesticides are used in agriculture, horticulture and in field and forest situations to control a wide range of insect pests and weeds.

Practices to minimise damage to honey bees from pesticides are essential within programs developed by persons applying pesticides and by beekeepers operating apiaries in areas where pesticides are applied.

The DPI Website offers information on the best practices for beekeepers to reduce bee poising and recognise symptoms of pesticide poisoning.

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Moving busy bees during almond pollination

DPI research results show almond producers and beekeepers can boost production outcomes by better timing the removal of hives from almond pollination.

The research published in the Applied and General Entomology Volume 47 notes Bloom progression is the preferred predictor of when to remove Honey Bee hives from almond orchards and outlines how almond growers and beekeepers can make timely decisions to ensure maximum yield for the grower and timely hive release for the beekeeper’s next production event.

Media Release